Today I would like to welcome author Louise Caiola!
Thank you for taking to time to answer some questions for us!

Louise Caiola is a writer, mother, and Jill of all Trades, working hard to become a master of the author-world. She’s crafted an extensive collection of short stories appearing for years in the online magazine She is represented by Terrie Wolf at AKA Literary. WISHLESS is her debut novel. Please stop by her FB page
In one sentence only, why should we read your book?
Reading WISHLESS will ignite all of your senses, indulge your need for entertainment and introduce you to people you won’t soon forget.
What inspired you with the idea for this Book?
The inspiration for this story came to me in bits and pieces – inspired by several things - a line in a song, a name, a random scenario popping in my head when I least expected it. I’m a big shower-writer. Lots of my stuff shows up while I am mid-shampoo.
How did you get interested in writing this particular genre?
I think being a young adult is such a difficult and fascinating thing, particularly now. It’s a period of awakening, a time of growth and coming into yourself. It is rife with material to write about and I am really drawn to exploring these stories.
What was/is the easiest/hardest part about writing this book?
The easiest part of writing this story was giving life to the characters. They came to me, so alive and vivid. It was just a matter of providing them a chance to be heard. Hardest part was the editing. I never felt as if I were finished. In fact, I’m still making changes, in my mind, anyway!
Is there anything you wish
was different about the book?
There were a couple scenes I deleted during the editing phase. They involved Chessie visiting Logan in Louisiana and meeting her family. In retrospect I might have enjoyed including them however they didn’t really serve in moving the story along so my editor and I chose to cut them.
What's a typical working day like for you? When and where do you write? Do you set a daily writing goal?
6:30 am: Rise and shine. Write for 20 minutes, give or take.
6:50 am – approximately 9:00 am: Attend to house details, kids, dog, personal grooming ritual. Rush out the door, 20 minutes late. Oops.
9:00 am – 5:00 pm: Work minutiae. Lots of it. Decide I desperately need a vacation.
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm: Errands, dinner, laundry, e-mails, phone calls, etc. Life x 100. Still desperately need a vacation.
7:00 – 9:00 pm: Lock myself away from family and any/all distractions. Write. Churn out the early workings of a bestseller. Or a few pages of fluff. Write either way, no matter what – unless a fire breaks out or I become severely dehydrated.
9:00 pm – I crash: Read. Read some more. Close my eyes. Thank God for another perfect day.
What’s the best thing about being an author?
Stumbling upon a new and exciting way of saying the same old thing is what I consider to be one of the high points of being a writer. Coining a fresh, original phrase just never gets old. I also love connecting to other people through my words.
Do you have any favorite authors or favorite books?
My favorite book is usually the one I’ve just finished reading. However, I do think every respectable bookshelf must contain a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird.
There are so many incredible writers out there. I would run out of paper listing those I admire. To mention a few: Nicholas Sparks, Laurie Halse Anderson, Anne Brashares, Steven King, Lauren Myracle,
JK Rowling, Maya Angelou.
If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world... Which would it be?
I always wanted to hang out in Whoville. I hear they throw a crazy holiday party.
What's one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors?
Golden Rule #1: Read as much as you can, in every genre. Mandatory. You can’t write if you don’t read. It’s really that simple.
My second novel, an older, contemporary YA entitled Girls like HER is currently with my agent, Terrie Wolf of AKA Literary. I am about halfway through the first draft of my third project, a YA mystery still seeking its rightful name.
If your book was to be a movie, what would be your dream cast?
Wishless the Movie…starring:
Selena Gomez as Chessie Madrid
Keke Palmer as Logan Matthews
Jeremy Sumpter as Johnny Lauten
Josh Hutcherson as George Benson
Jennifer Lawrence as Meg Lauten
Josh Holloway as Mark Madrid
Kathy Bates as GG
Lauren Graham as Anne Darrow Madrid
Red carpet here we come…;)
Great Cast! Thank you so much for stopping by!
We also have an eBook copy of Wishless to giveaway today! All you have to do is enter in the Raffelcopter form below!