My husband left for Canada today, so my best friend is coming over tonight to take the kids trick or treating with me! I have started reading Crave by J.R. Ward, I haven't gotten very far, but be on the look out in the next few days for a review! Thank you for reading my posts! Happy Halloween!
Today is my Birthday!
Yay! Today I'm 22! And guess what I got? Crave by J. R. Ward and Bloodfever by Karen Marie Moning! So be waiting for those reviews! I'm so excited, I can't wait to start reading. My bestie also got me a PINK book light for my nook! My In-Laws,my Husband, my Son and Myself all went to boo at the zoo today, it was so much fun. He got a whole bag of candy and had the biggest smile on his face. Overall I had a wonderful birthday today! I will post reviews soon. Goodnight!
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Blogging Books
10:38 PM
Crazy Love by Leslie Morgan Steiner
This was a very good book, But I didn't like it. I knew I shouldn't have bought it but I needed something to read and it was only $2. It was a good story and it was well written but it was about one of the things I hate most: Abuse. This was a story about a woman who falls in love with her "Prince Charming". But the thing that made me really mad was that he started beating her before they got married, she still married him, and she stayed with him for 3 years. And it's a true story. I know when you love someone its hard to let go - I'm sorry but if someone hit me I would beat the $#!% out of them. I grew up in a house where my mom got beat by her boyfriends so I do not play around with that stuff. In the end she gave him a choice, stop beating her or she would leave. I don't want to spoil the book too much for you, so you will have to read the book to find out. Ok, I'm done venting.
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Blogging Books
9:41 PM
Ashes of Midnight by Lara Adrian
This series reminds me of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. I noticed similarities from the beginning and it sucked me in from the start. Although this one didn't keep me interested like the others did. It was a very good story I just had a hard time staying focused on the book. It didn't suck me in and keep me wanting more like the others did. Claire knows what she wants but she doesn't let Andreas know how she feels. Andreas feels the same way but doesn't want to hurt her. It's a very back and forth kind of story and I got bored very easy.
I would recommend this to a friend only because its part of a series and you don't want to miss any details.
I would recommend this to a friend only because its part of a series and you don't want to miss any details.
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Blogging Books
7:37 PM
Crave hits the bookstores!
Seven deadly sins. Seven souls that must be saved. One more no-holds- barred battle between a fallen angel with a hardened heart and a demon with everything to lose.
Isaac Rothe is a black ops soldier with a dark past and a grim future. The target of an assassin, he finds himself behind bars, his fate in the hands of his gorgeous public defender Grier Childe. His hot attraction to her can only lead to trouble-and that's before Jim Heron tells him his soul is in danger. Caught up in a wicked game with the demon who shadows Jim, Isaac must decide whether the soldier in him can believe that true love is the ultimate weapon against evil.
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Blogging Books
9:58 AM
Lover Avenged by J.R. Ward
Lover Avenged was actually pretty good. I have never been a fan of Rehvenge's but his book was really good. You get to see what he's been through and why he is so hard. He's part sympath, and he gets energy from manipulating peoples emotions. He is asked to kill Wrath and he never answers the question flat out. it keeps you guessing through the whole book. You learn a lot about Rehv in LA, and I think he earns more respect from it.
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Blogging Books
11:46 PM
Lover Enshrined by J.R. Ward
Lover Enshrined is probably the worst book from the series in my opinion. Yeah you learned some of Phury's story but it mainly focused on Cormia and JM. It didn't really give away any new details about him. I guess it goes with his nature to think about everyone but himself but I was really mad that it didn't focus on him more.
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Blogging Books
11:43 PM
Lover Unbound by J.R. Ward
Lover Unbound was an awesome book but I hated the ending. V has always been my favorite Brother. The end made my heart break even more for him. He never knew his mom, his father beat him, he had a crappy life altogether, then the one thing he loves most is taken from him. This book made me cry. I was so mad. I have re-read this series many times but I will never re-read this one. It makes me so mad and sad for him.
You have to read this book just so you know what happened. But be warned, you will need tissues.
Posted by
Blogging Books
11:42 PM
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In accordance with the new FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, I would like everyone to know that the books featured / discussed on this blog were either provided to the reviewer by the publisher or the author for free OR were purchased by me. The ones I receive for free DO NOT influence my opinion of the book/author -- The Blogging Book